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Spider Thread

Translated & Published by the Buddhist Text Translation Society


富商邀行 得闻法音


A wealthy jeweler invited a monk to ride with him and got a chance to hear the Dharma.




Once in ancient India a wealthy jeweler was hurrying in his carriage a long the highway to Varanasi. Pandu was his name.




There had been a thunderstorm to cool the afternoon, and Pandu was congratulating himself on the excellent weather and on the money he would make the next day from dealing in jewels.




Looking up for a minute, he noticed a Bhikshu walking slowly ahead on the side of the road. The Bhikshu's steps were firm, his back was straight; there was an air about him of peace and inner strength. Pandu thought to himself, "If that Bhikshu is going to Varanasi, I'll ask him if he'll ride with me. He looks like a saintly man, and I have heard that the companionship of saintly men always brings people good luck." He told his burly slave Mahaduta to rein in the horses.




"Venerable Dharma Master," said Pandu, opening the door to his carriage,
"May I offer you transportation to Varanasi?"
"I will travel with you," the Bhikshu replied, "if you understand that I cannot pay you, for I have no worldly possessions. I can only offer the gift of the Dharma."




"I accept your terms," replied the jeweler, who thought of everything as bargains and deals. He made room for the Bhikshu in his carriage.




As they traveled, the Bhikshu─whose name was Narada─spoke of the law of cause and effect. "People create their own destinies," he said, "out of what they themselves do. Good deeds naturally bring good fortune, while people who do evil will pay for it sooner or later."




Pandu was pleased with his companion. He liked to hear good common sense, for he was a practical man, and he also had deep good roots in the Dharma, though he did not know it.


推翻马车 师谏不悟


The jeweler ordered his slave to tilt
the cart loaded with rice, and the Dharma Master
admonished him without success.




But he interrupted Narada rudely when the carriage suddenly jolted to a stop in the middle of the road. "What's this?" he called out in irritation to his slave Mahaduta. "We've no time to waste!" Varanasi was still ten miles distant, and the sun was already sinking in the west.




"A stupid farmer's cart in the road," the slave growled from the coachman's seat.




The Bhikshu and the jeweler opened the carriage doors and leaned out to look. There blocking the highway was a horse cart loaded with rice. Its right wheel was lying useless in the ditch. The farmer was sitting beside it struggling to repair a broken linchpin.




"I can't wait! Push his cart off the road, Mahaduta!" Pandu shouted. The farmer leapt up to protest, and Narada turned to Pandu to ask him to think of some other way, but before either could say a word the burly Mahaduta had jumped down from his seat, heaved at the horse cart, and tilted it into the ditch. Bags of rice slid off into the mud. The farmer ran yelling up to Mahaduta, but fell silent when he realized that the tall slave had twice his strength. Grinning wickedly, Mahaduta raised his fist; it was plain that he would have enjoyed giving the farmer a beating, if he'd thought his master had time for it.




As the slave climbed back onto his seat and took up the reins, the Bhikshu stepped down onto the road. Turning to Pandu, he said, "I am rested now, and I am in your debt for the hour's ride you have given me. What better way could I have to repay you than to help this unfortunate farmer whom you have wronged? By harming him, you have made sure that some similar harm will come to you. Perhaps by helping him I can lessen your debt. Since this farmer was a relative of yours in a previous life, your karma is tied to his even more strongly."




The jeweler was astonished. He was not accustomed to being scolded, not even kindly, as the Bhikshu had done. He was even more taken aback by the notion that he, Pandu the rich jeweler, could ever have been related to a rice farmer. "That's impossible," he said to Narada.




Narada smiled and said, "Sometimes the smartest people fail to recognize the basic truths about life. But I will try to protect you against the injury you have done to yourself." Stung by these words, Pandu raised his hand and signaled for his slave to drive on.


农夫闻法 了悟因果


Hearing the Dharma, the farmer comprehended
the law of cause and effect.




Devala, the farmer, had already sat down by the side of the road again to work at repairing his linchpin. Narada nodded to him and began heaving the horse cart out of the ditch. Devala jumped up to assist, but then he saw that the Bhikshu had far more strength than anyone might have expected from a man with his slight frame. The cart was upright again even before Devala had crossed the road.




"This Bhikshu must be a sage," the farmer thought silently. "Invisible Dharma-protecting gods and spirits must be helping him. Maybe he can tell me why my luck has turned for the worse today."




The two men reloaded the bags of rice that Mahaduta had dumped into the ditch, and then as Devala sat down with his linchpin again, he asked, "Venerable Dharma Master, can you tell me why I had to suffer such an injustice today from that arrogant rich man whom I have never seen before? Is there no sense or fairness in this life?"




Narada answered, "What you suffered today wasn't really an injustice. It was an exact repayment for an injury you inflicted upon this jeweler in a previous life."




The farmer nodded. "I have heard people say such things before, but I have never known whether to believe them."




"It's not too complicated a thing to believe in," the Bhikshu said. "We become what we do. By doing good things, a person naturally becomes good, and good things naturally happen to him. The same is true of evil. Evil acts create bad personalities and unfortunate lives. Everything you have thought, said, and done makes up the kind of person you are now, and also contains the seeds of your future. This is the law of cause and effect, the law of karma."




"That may be," Devala cried, "but I am not such a bad person, and look what happened to me today!"




"Isn't it true, though, friend," Narada asked, "that you might have done the same thing to the jeweler today, if he'd been the one who was blocking the road, and you'd been the one with a bully for a coachman?"




Devala was silenced by the Bhikshu's words. He realized that, until Narada had come forward to help him, there had been nothing in his mind but thoughts of revenge. Angrily he had been wishing just what Narada had said: that he could have been the one to overturn the jeweler's cart and then drive on proudly while the rich man struggled in the mud. "Yes, Dharma Master," he said. "It is true."




The two men said nothing for a while, until the linchpin was sound again and the wheel remounted on the cart. The farmer was pondering the Bhikshu's words. Although Devala lacked schooling, he was a thoughtful man who always tried to figure things out and see the reasons behind events. Suddenly he said, "But this is a terrible thing! Now that the jeweler has harmed me, I will do some harm to him. Then he will repay me in kind, and then I'll come back to get him, and it will never end!"




"No, it doesn't have to be that way," Narada said. "People have the power to do good as well as evil. Find a way to pay that proud jeweler back with help instead of with harm. Then the cycle will be broken."




Devala nodded doubtfully as he climbed back on his cart. He believed what the Bhikshu had told him, but he didn't see how he would ever have an opportunity to carry out his advice. How could he, a poor farmer, find a way to help out a rich businessman? He invited Narada to sit next to him, and took up the reins.




His horse had not drawn them far, however, when it suddenly shied aside and came to a halt. "A snake on the road!" the farmer cried. But Narada, looking more closely, saw that it was no snake, but a purse. He stepped down from the cart and picked the purse up. It was heavy with gold.




"I recognize this; it belongs to Pandu, the jeweler," he said. "He had it in his lap in the carriage. It must have dropped out when he opened the door to look at you. Didn't I tell him that his destiny was tied to yours?"




He handed the purse to Devala. "Here is your chance to cut the bonds of anger and revenge that tie you to the jeweler. When we reach Varanasi, go to the inn where he is staying and give him his money back. He will apologize for his rudeness to you, but tell him that you hold no grudge and that you wish him success. For, let me tell you, you two are much alike, and you will fall or prosper together, depending on how you act."


屈打成招 奴隶愤去


Cruelly beaten without cause,
the slave departs in anger.




Devala did as the Bhikshu had instructed him. He had no desire to keep the money. He only wished to be rid of his karmic debt to the jeweler. At nightfall, when they reached Varanasi, he went to the inn where rich men stayed and asked to see Pandu.




"Who shall I say wants him?" said the innkeeper, looking scornfully at the farmer's country clothes.




"Tell him a friend has come," Devala said.




In a few minutes, Pandu entered the hall where Devala was waiting. When Pandu saw the farmer standing there and holding out his purse to him, he was struck speechless with amazement, shame, and relief. But after staring for a moment, he suddenly ran out of the room again, shouting, "Stop! Stop beating him!"




Devala had heard groans coming from a room nearby─he had thought it was someone dying of a fever. But in a moment a tall, burly man staggered into the hall, his bare back red and black with welts and bruises. It was none other than Mahaduta, the jeweler's slave. A police officer followed him, with a whip in one hand and a cane in the other.




Seeing Devala, Mahaduta started with surprise, and then said hoarsely, "My kind master thought I'd stolen that purse. He had me whipped so that I would confess. This is my punishment for hurting you at his bidding." And he stumbled out into the night, without a word to his master.




Pandu watched him go, thinking that he ought to say something to him. But he was too proud to apologize to a slave, especially in front of so many other people.


以德报怨 化解误会


The farmer repaid the jeweler's wrongdoings with aid, and the misunderstanding was resolved.




The jeweler still had not greeted Devala, nor taken back his purse. Just as he was about to speak, a portly man dressed in rich silks bustled into the room, saying loudly, "Ah, Pandu, they told me what was happening. Fortune's wheel turns round and round, does it not? Ten minutes ago it seemed like we were both ruined men, and now all is well again, hmm? Come on, then, take the purse, for heaven's sake, and thank the good fellow."




Pandu took the purse and bowed slightly to the farmer. "I wronged you, and you have helped me in return. I do not know how to repay you."




"Why, give him a reward, Pandu, what else?" the fat man boomed. "Give him a reward!"




Bowing to Pandu in his turn, Devala said, "I have forgiven you and need no reward. If you hadn't ordered your slave to overturn my cart, I might never have had the chance to meet the Venerable Narada and hear his wise teaching, which has benefited me more than any amount of money. I have resolved never to harm any being again, since I don't want to invite injury in return. This resolve has made me feel safe and in control of my life in a way that I have never felt before."




"Narada!" said Pandu. "So he has instructed you! He instructed me, too, but I'm afraid I didn't listen too well... Take this, good man," he gave Devala some gold from his purse, "and tell me, do you know where the Venerable Dharma Master is staying in Varanasi?"




"Yes, I have just left him at the monastery next to the West Gate," Devala answered. "In fact, he told me you might want to see him. He asked me to say that you may call on him tomorrow afternoon."




Pandu bowed again, this time deeply and reverently. "Now I am truly indebted to you," he said. "And I also believe something else he told me. He said you and I were relatives in former lives and that our fates are tied together. It seems we have even found the same teacher."


善有善报 佳运前来


Good fortune came to the farmer
as a reward for his good deed.




The fat man had been listening impatiently. "Yes, yes, this high-minded talk is all very well," he finally cried. "But let's get down to business!" He turned to Devala. "Let me introduce myself. I am Mallika, the banker, a friend of the good Pandu here. I have a contract with the king's steward to deliver the best rice for the king's table, but three days ago my business rival, wishing to destroy my flourishing trade with the king, bought up all the rice in Varanasi. If I don't deliver tomorrow, I'm ruined. But now, my friend, you are here, and that's the point! Is your rice of fine grade? Was it damaged by that idiot Mahaduta? How much is there of it? Is it contracted? Speak up!"




Smiling at the banker's eagerness, Devala answered, "I have brought fifteen hundred pounds of first grade rice. Only one bag got a little wet in the mud. None of it is spoken for, and I was planning to take it to the market in the morning."




"Splendid! Splendid! To the market, you say?" Mallika cried, rubbing his hands. "I expect you'll take three times the price that you could get at the market, will you?" "I will," Devala agreed.


“你当然愿意的!”银行家说,一面就叫他的仆人立即把狄发拉马车上的货卸下来。他慷慨地以金子来付帐,他一面数钱给狄发拉,一面对潘杜说:“人在需要帮助时,往往料想不到助力会从哪里来。所以人永远不要失去希望,因为人生实在是奥妙不可思议的,对不对?”他对狄发拉说: “噢!这是你全部的帐款了!仁慈的先生!可不要把它们全赌光了哇!”说完,他笑着走回座用晚餐。


"Of course you will," the banker beamed. Calling for his servants, he had Devala's cart unloaded immediately. He made his generous payment to the farmer in gold, saying to Pandu, as he counted the coins into Devala's hands, "A man never knows where help will come from when he needs it. Never lose hope, for life is indeed a wonderful mystery, isn't it? There you are, my good sir!" he said to Devala. "Don't gamble it all away!" Chuckling to himself, Mallika then returned to his dinner.




Devala had no intention of gambling his money away. He had already resolved to go to the monastery where the Venerable Narada lived and offer half of his profit to the Triple Jewel. The rest he took home and spent carefully as he needed it. From that day on he always prospered. Because of his honesty and wisdom, the people of his village naturally came to consider him their leader.


众生与我 密密相关


We are closely related to all other living beings.




The next afternoon, Pandu went to the monastery near the West Gate. Narada received him in the guest hall. Having heard the jeweler's account of what had happened at the inn, the Bhikshu said, "You still have many doubts, and so I would prefer not to give you all the explanation that you ask for. You would not accept it. Your faith is not yet as deep as the farmer Devala's, and you still have to undergo many trials before you become a true disciple of the Buddha."




"Venerable Dharma Master," said Pandu humbly, "I beg you to give me the explanation you spoke of, so that I will be better able to follow your wise advice."




"Very well," the Bhikshu said. "Then remember what I say and contemplate it well. In the future you may come to understand. I have told you how each and every one of us makes his own destiny, in accordance with what he does. Your rich friend Mallika, for example, has many blessings, though he has little wisdom. He believes that the wheel of fortune, as he calls it, turns round and round mysteriously. But there is no mystery. His prosperity and contentment have nothing to do with any force outside of his own actions, words, and thoughts. In life after life he is wealthy and contented, simply because in life after life he has been kind and generous. I don't think he would have treated any slave the way you treated your slave Mahaduta."




"Indeed," Pandu said. "He did try to restrain me. But I was angry and did not listen."




"Yes," Narada said, nodding. "And don't think that you are free of the debt you owe Mahaduta for having had him so cruelly beaten without cause. Don't think that you are alone in this world, or that your actions have no consequences. Remember that sooner or later your every action, whether good or evil, however small it may be, will be returned to you in kind and in the exact amount. As the saying goes,




Plant beans, and you harvest beans;
Plant melons, and you harvest melons.




Goodness brings about good, while evil is repaid with evil.' Treat all living creatures as you would wish to be treated yourself. Actually, you have no separate self. You are of the same basic substance as all other living beings; and so, in your every thought and act, you are related to them even more closely than the organs of your body are related to each other.




"If you can truly understand this in your heart," Narada continued, "you will have no more desire to harm other beings, because you will know that they are the same as you. You will feel their sufferings as your own, and so you will always try to help them. Let this verse guide you:




He who hurts others hurts himself;
He who helps others helps himself even more.
To find the pure Way, the Path of Light,
Let go of the falsehood that you have a self."




Pandu rose and bowed down three times to the Dharma Master, something that he had never before done to anyone. Then he said, "I will not forget your words, Dharma Master. I will have a monastery established in my hometown, Kaushambi, so that the people there will have the opportunity to hear the wonderful Dharma. I only hope that the Dharma Master will compassionately help me fulfill my vow."


虽建道场 未真修行


Although Pandu established the monastery,
he did not truly practice the teachings.




Years passed, and Pandu the jeweler prospered. He took refuge with and became a disciple of Narada, and was a leading donor and protector of the monastery at Kaushambi he had helped Narada to found. Whenever his business allowed, he went to listen to Sutra lectures given by the Bhikshu Panthaka, the abbot of the monastery and a senior disciple of Narada. Pandu always looked forward to receiving Narada's instructions whenever he visited town, but he never put the teachings he heard into practice. He told himself that cultivation was the duty of monks and that his own worldly business kept him too busy.


王冠惹祸 因果难逃


The crown brought disaster upon Pandu,
and he had difficulty escaping his retribution.




One day, six or seven years after his first meeting with the Venerable Narada on the road to Varanasi, Pandu's workshop received an unusual order. The king of the neighboring country across the mountains desired a new royal crown. He had heard of the beauty of Pandu's jewel work. The crown was to be wrought in gold and set about with the costliest gems to be found in all of India. Indian kings had always had a weakness for precious stones, and Pandu had often dreamed of becoming the supplier of jewelry to a royal house. Then he would be assured not simply of prosperity, but of great riches. Now his chance had arrived.




Pandu immediately sent out orders for the finest sapphires, rubies, and diamonds that could be had. He invested the greater part of his wealth in them. He designed and worked the crown himself. Then, gathering together a strong escort of armed men to ensure his safety against robbers in the mountains, he set out for the neighboring kingdom.




All was well until they reached a narrow pass at the mountains' summit. There, a troop of fiercely yelling brigands descended from the heights. Pandu's escort was greater in number, but the shying horses and steep sides of the mountain pass hampered the defenders in battle.




In a matter of minutes Pandu's men were disarmed. Two unshaven and dirty men threw open the door to the jeweler's carriage, pulled him out, flung him to the ground, and began kicking him and beating him with sticks. Pandu bore the blows, thinking only of the purse that was concealed in his robes, clutching it against his chest. In it lay the crown and a store of other jewels with which he had planned to tempt the king's daughter and the queen.


强盗头子 索讨债务


The robber chieftain
demanded payment of the debt.




"Stop a moment, my boys!" a voice called out, a voice that Pandu had heard before, though at first he could not recall whose it was. "Stop beating him, I said!"




Pandu opened his eyes. There, standing over him, dressed in rough leather clothing, his long hair bound in a kerchief of red silk, was Mahaduta, the slave he'd had whipped years before. Pandu had heard that the greatest of all robber chieftains in the mountains was a former slave from Kaushambi. But it had never occurred to him that the slave might have been his own.




"See what he's holding in his right hand," Mahaduta quietly commanded.




One of the men who had been beating him planted his knee on Pandu's stomach, while the other forced Pandu's arm away from his chest. The jeweler's purse was mercilessly pried from his hand.




"I'll take that," Mahaduta said. "I've paid for it already." He took it and put it inside his jacket. "Have I not, master?" he asked Pandu, his voice full of scorn and bitterness.




"Shall we finish him, then?" one of the robbers asked the chieftain.




Mahaduta looked down at Pandu, but instead of anger or fright, which might have enraged him in turn, he saw only sadness and resignation in his victim's eyes. He had no way of knowing that Pandu was remembering the Venerable Narada's voice saying, as clearly as if he'd heard it yesterday: "Don't think that you are free of the debt you owe Mahaduta for having him so cruelly beaten without cause. Don't think that you are all alone in this world and that what you do has no consequences.... If you can truly understand this in your heart, you will have no more desire to harm other beings, because you will know that they are the same as yourself. You will feel their sufferings as your own."




Pandu sighed. He suddenly realized that he had never really accepted his teacher's instructions. He had never truly believed that they applied to him as well as to others. If he was to die now, violently and before his time, with no chance to say farewell to his family, it was all his own doing, it was all his own fault.




Not once had he thought about what had happened to his runaway slave Mahaduta. The man's sufferings in the mountains during the freezing winters, and the desperation and danger of the evil calling that he, Pandu, had pushed Mahaduta into, such considerations had simply never crossed his mind. Now the time of payment had come. He coughed and spoke numbly to Mahaduta, "It's true. You have paid." Then he looked away from the robber chieftain and waited for the next blow.




To his surprise, Mahaduta told his men: "Let him lie. There is a false bottom in his carriage, underneath the coachman's seat. Knock it loose and take out the chest of gold pieces that will certainly be there. We'll divide it equally. This is a great day for all of you."




The men jumped up eagerly. But Mahaduta himself felt little joy at his revenge, though he had spent many a cold morning fervently wishing for it. Now that it had come, he felt heaviness and regret, as if he were hurting a member of his own family. He went among his men, telling them to stop beating Pandu's escort. "Spoils only," he said.




"No killing." And he distracted them with news of the chest of gold which was, indeed wedged behind the false bottom of the carriage, just where Mahaduta himself had hidden it many times in past years.




The robber chieftain let Pandu and his men go free down the mountain back to Kaushambi. That evening, when his accomplices were counting the gold and rejoicing, he hid the purse in a crevice in his cave. He didn't take it out or look at it again for a long time.


安然受报 得真快乐


Paying off his karmic debt peacefully,
he attained genuine happiness.




After the robbery, Pandu was no longer a rich man. He had lost much of his capital, and without capital a jeweler can do little. But he blamed no one for his losses but himself. "In my younger years I was very hardon people," he told his family. "What has happened to me now is simply the payment for my harshness and arrogance." Repenting and cultivating according to the Buddha's teachings now came very naturally to him, and he took to reciting the Buddha's name whenever his mind was not occupied with conversation or business.




Gradually he realized that, deep down in his heart, he was happier now than he had been when he was rich. His only regret was that he was no longer able to make so many offerings to the monastery, to support the Dharma, or to help the poor of the town─something he had never thought to do much before.


强盗反叛 头目垂死


The robbers rebelled and beat
the chieftain to the point of dying.




Again, several years passed by. Then one day Panthaka, abbot of the monastery at Kaushambi, was set upon by Mahaduta's robber band while walking alone on a pilgrimage across the mountains. Panthaka carried no money, and so Mahaduta beat him briefly and let him go. Panthaka went no further that day.




The next morning, before he had walked far, he heard the sounds of men fighting just off the road. One man was roaring in pain. Panthaka hurried to the scene, hoping to dissuade the robbers from beating yet another traveler. But instead of an innocent traveler, it was Mahaduta himself who was being attacked. He stood in the midst of a dozen of his own men like a lion cornered by hounds. His great stick hit several of the other robbers, but at last he himself fell. He was beaten with his own stick until he lay as if dead.




Panthaka stayed hidden till the robbers left. Then he found that Mahaduta had little life left. Panthaka walked down to the stream that ran among the rocks nearby. He filled his bowl with fresh water and brought it to the dying man.




Mahaduta drank a little and slowly opened his eyes. He groaned and cried out, "Where are those rotten thieves that I have led to victory time after time? They'd have been hanged long ago if it weren't for me!"


法师救命 劝忏罪业


The Dharma Master came to the rescue and advised the chieftain to repent of his offenses.




"Calm down." Panthaka said. "Don't think of your comrades, or of the evil road you have taken together. Think of your own fate and drink this water, and let me dress your wounds. Perhaps your life can still be saved."




For the first time Mahaduta looked closely at Panthaka. "You are the monk to whom I gave a beating only yesterday! And now you have come to save my life. You shame me." He drank some more water and looked around him. "And the others have run off, the ungrateful hounds! I was the one who taught them to fight, and now they have turned on me."




"You taught them to fight," Panthaka said, "and they have repaid you by fighting. If you had taught them kindness, they would have repaid you with kindness. You have reaped the harvest that you planted yourself."




"What you say is true. I've often been afraid they would turn on me─ah! ah!" He groaned as Panthaka tried to lift him by the shoulder.




"I don't think you can save my life. But tell me, if you can, how I can be saved from the pains of the hells, which I know I deserve as payment for my evil life. Lately I have felt that my death cannot be far off, and the dread of what will come after has weighed like a heavy stone on my chest, so that sometimes I've hardly been able to breathe."




"Sincerely repent of your offenses and reform," Panthaka said. "Root out the greed and hatred from your heart, and fill it instead with thoughts of kindness for all beings."




"Alas, I know nothing of kindness," Mahaduta said. "My life has been a story of much evil and no good. I will go to the hells and never escape along the noble Path that you have walked, Dharma Master!"


自私心起 蜘蛛丝断


A thought of selfishness
broke the spider's thread.





"Don't despair," Panthaka answered, "and don't underestimate the power of repentance and reform. It is said:

A single heartfelt thought of repentance
can wipe away ten thousand eons' worth of evil.




"For example, do you know of the great robber Kandata, who died unrepentant and fell into the Unintermittent Hells? After he had been suffering there for several eons, Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in the world and accomplished enlightenment beneath the Bodhi tree.




"The rays of light that shone forth from between his brows at that moment penetrated all the way to the hells and inspired the beings there with new life and hope. Looking up, Kandata saw the Buddha seated in meditation beneath the Bodhi tree, and he cried out, 'Save me, save me, World Honored One! I am suffering here for the evils I have done, and I cannot get out! Help me walk the Path you have walked, World Honored One!'




"The Buddha looked down and saw Kandata. 'I will guide you in your escape,' he said to the robber, 'but it must be with the help of your own good karma. What good did you do, Kandata, when you were in the world of men?'




"Kandata remained silent, for he had been a cruel man. But the World Honored One, with his Buddha Eye, contemplated Kandata's past. He saw that once when Kandata was walking along a forest path, he had stepped aside to avoid crushing a spider beneath his feet, thinking: 'The spider hasn't hurt anyone. Why should I step on him?'




"Having seen that, the Buddha sent a spider to spin a thread of gossamer down to the Unintermittent Hells.




"'Take hold of my thread,' the spider said, 'and climb up!'




"Kandata eagerly grabbed the gossamer and started to pull himself up.




"The gossamer held fast. He climbed quickly, higher and higher. Suddenly he noticed that the spider's thread was trembling, as if under a new weight.




"Kandata glanced down. He saw that other hell-beings had grasped hold of the thread and were climbing up after him. The string stretched out, but did not break.




"More and more hell-beings were taking hold of the wispy thread. Kandata no longer looked up at the Buddha; instead, he fearfully watched the hell-beings following him below.




"He stopped climbing. 'How can the gossamer carry everyone?' he thought .'This string is mine!' he shouted downwards. 'Let go, all of you! Let go! It's mine!'




"Immediately the thread broke. Kandata and all the others fell back into the hells.


真心忏悔 安详而归


After repenting sincerely,
Mahaduta died in peace.




"Kandata's repentance wasn't true," Panthaka said to Mahaduta. "He did not reform. The spider's gossamer would have held, for even one generous thought has the strength to be a lifeline that saves thousands. But Kandata destroyed the gossamer. He still held onto the illusion of self, and his evil habits were too strong. He was not willing to help anyone else. Even the World Honored One couldn't save him."




"Let me think and find that thread of gossamer!" cried Mahaduta. "If there is some good I can do, I won't try to keep it to myself."




The two men were silent for a while. Panthaka washed Mahaduta's wounds. The robber chieftain breathed more peacefully. Finally he said, "There is one 'good' thing that I did once, if you can call stopping from doing more evil good."




"You can," said Panthaka.




"Yes, and one good thing I still can do. Would you, by any chance, know Pandu, the rich jeweler from Kaushambi?"




"I am from Kaushambi, and I know him well," Panthaka said, "though he's no longer rich."




"Isn't he? I'm sorry to hear that. Strange, you'd think I'd be glad, for he was the one who taught me to be high-handed with people and to oppress them. When I was a young slave, he sent me to learn fighting skills from a wrestler, so that I could be his bodyguard. Whenever I bullied people, he rewarded me. His heart was as hard as flint. He had me whipped once. It was then that I ran away to the mountains. But people have told me that he has changed, and that he is known far and wide for his kindness and benevolence! Such a thing is hard to conceive of. Is it true, Dharma Master?"




"It's true," Panthaka said. "The power of sincere repentance is indeed inconceivable. Every time I see it, it amazes me anew."




"I plotted many times how I would have my revenge on that man," Mahaduta continued. "I intended to torture him, just as he had me tortured. And he did fall into my hands at last. But when I saw his face as he lay there on the road, clutching his jewels to his chest, resigned to his death, I couldn't do it, Dharma Master. I felt as if I would be torturing my own brother."




"All men are brothers," Panthaka said. "Every man has been your father in some life past, and every woman your mother. And with this man you have affinities that are especially strong, both for good and for evil."




Mahaduta nodded. "It must be so. I took his jewels and his gold that day, but I let him and all his bodyguards go. His gold I gave to my men, so they wouldn't mind my calling off the violence. But his jewels I have with me still, hidden in a crevice in my cave. For some reason I couldn't part with them. It wasn't only that a crown like that would be hard to dispose of. I also felt that I had to save them for something. I didn't know for what. Now I'm glad I did."




Mahaduta paused a moment, then turned to Panthaka. "Do this for me, Dharma Master. My cave is behind a tall cedar by the stream a half-mile above us. You can see the broad top of the cedar from the road. Pandu's crown and his jewels are in the vertical crevice just to the left of the entrance. You must reach straight in, then up to the right. Can you remember that?"




"I can."




"Don't go there yourself. Tell Pandu to come with thirty armed men. My men are fewer now, and without me they will lose heart. Pandu will overcome them easily. Tell Pandu I'm sorry. I wish him to have his wealth again. I wish all men wealth and happiness, all the wealth and happiness that I have taken from them. If I live, or in my next life, I vow to be like you, Venerable Dharma Master, and be a helper of men caught in the web of sorrow they have created by their own foolish deeds."




Exhausted, Mahaduta fell back. He now felt no pain from his wounds, but his life was ebbing away. Suddenly a joyous smile swept into his face. He raised his hand, p, ointing upward. "See! The Buddha is there on his couch, about to enter Nirvana. His disciples, the great Arhats, are standing around him. See! He is smiling at me!" Mahaduta's face was bright with happiness.




"What a wonderful blessing to us that he came into the world!"




"Yes, it was a blessing," Panthaka said. "He appeared in the world out of compassion for living beings, in order to instruct us in the one great matter: the problem of birth and death. He taught us to awaken to the suffering of this world, and he taught us that selfish desire is the source of our suffering. He taught us how to end our suffering by following him on the Proper Path. He taught us morality, concentration, and wisdom to put our greed, anger, and delusion to rest. He himself, through lifetimes of cultivation and renunciation, put to rest all his own desires, and with kindness, compassion, joy, and giving he came to give us himself as an example. If all men and women could take refuge in him, this world would no longer be the poor and dangerous place that it is now."




Mahaduta nodded. He drank in the Bhikshu's words like a thirsty man who is given cool water. He tried to speak, but could not continue. Understanding his request, Panthaka spoke the Three Refuges for him, so that he became a disciple of the Triple Jewel. Panthaka then repeated for him the Four Great Vows of the Bodhisattva:




Living beings are boundless; I vow to save them.
Afflictions are endless; I vow to cut them off.
Dharma-doors are countless; I vow to study them.
The Buddhas' Way is unsurpassed; I vow to achieve it.




He also repeated three times the repentance verse of Universal Worthy Bodhisattva:




Of all evil I have done in the past,
Caused by beginningless
greed, hatred, and stupidity
And produced by body, mouth, and mind
I now repent and reform.




And this verse:




Offenses arise from the mind;
repentance is done by the mind.
When the mind is extinguished,
offenses are forgotten.
Offenses extinguished and the mind forgotten─
both empty:
That is called true repentance and reform.




As Panthaka was reciting it, Mahaduta breathed his last. He died with a smile on his face.


强盗忏悔 死亦度生


With true repentance, the robber crossed
others over even after his death.




Panthaka postponed his pilgrimage and returned to Kaushambi. He went immediately to Pandu's house to tell him of what had happened. Gathering an escort of armed men, Pandu returned to the mountains. Mahaduta's men had already fled. Pandu's purse was hidden exactly where Mahaduta had said it would be, and the crown was within it, unharmed.




Panthaka came with them, and when the body of Mahaduta had been burned and the ashes collected in urns, Panthaka led the assembled company in the recitation of Sutras and mantras. He spoke briefly of the power of karma and of the even greater power of repentance and reform. He also quoted this verse:


自救真救度 自力胜他力
皈依佛教导 同登正觉道


No one can save us but ourselves.
Our strength is greater than that derived from others.
We ourselves must walk the road to
Proper Enlightenment
With the Buddha as our Great Teacher and Guide




"Our Elder Master Narada," Panthaka continued, "has always stressed that we alone are responsible for our own actions, and that we are responsible for what happens to us as a result of our actions. No god or any other being rewards or punishes us. We reward ourselves; we punish ourselves. Everything arises from the mind, and so the world is exactly how we create it. This man Mahaduta, whom we have buried today, led an evil life, guided by evil thoughts, and knew nothing but unhappiness. Yet at the end he changed. His repentance and vows of reform moved the Buddha himself to appear to him and give him his blessing. His life ended with a deed of forgiveness, and he died as a happy man. We can all learn from his example, for none of us is blameless. We are all connected by the web of karma we have created, and we are all capable of the liberation that true repentance brings."




Panthaka had the following summary of the robber chieftain's life and conversion inscribed on Mahaduta's headstone:




Here lies Mahaduta, highwayman.
He lived in anger; anger felled him.
At last repenting, he returned his spoils,
Promising to walk the Proper Path.
The Buddha smiled and certified his change.
Maha Prajna Paramita!




The headstone beside the mountain pass became known as the Repentant Robber's Tomb, and in later years a shrine was built beside it. There travelers and pilgrims bowed to the Buddha and prayed for a peaceful journey and the conversion of evil men.


慈悲宽大 确保人生


Kindness and generosity assure a happy future.




Pandu now became wealthy again, wealthier than he had ever been. Now, however, he was more interested in giving money away then in making it, and he gave over the operation of his business to his sons. He did his best to teach them that prosperity brought about by hard dealings will not last, and that by being generous and kind they would assure themselves of a happy future.




His end came peacefully in old age. When he realized that his death was near, he called his sons, daughters, and grandchildren to his bedside and told them: "My dear children, if in the future something should go wrong in your lives, don't blame others, even if they seem to be the cause of your unhappiness. Look within yourself. See where you have been proud, selfish, greedy, or unkind. Change that fault in yourself, for this is something that is always within your power. If change seems beyond you, seek help from your teacher, and pray to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for aid. Once you have changed your faults, good fortune and happiness will return to you naturally. When they have returned, do not hoard them, but share them with others. Then they will never be exhausted. Remember me by this verse, which the Venerable Narada taught me when I first knew him:




He who hurts others hurts himself.
He who helps others helps himself even more.
To find the pure Way, the Path of Light,
Let go of the falsehood that you have a self.

法界佛教总会 . DRBA / BTTS / DRBU



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