富商邀行 得闻法音 |
A wealthy jeweler invited a monk to ride with him and got a chance to hear the Dharma. |
推翻马车 师谏不悟 |
The jeweler ordered his slave to tilt the cart loaded with rice, and the Dharma Master admonished him without success. |
农夫闻法 了悟因果 |
Hearing the Dharma, the farmer comprehended the law of cause and effect. |
屈打成招 奴隶愤去 |
Cruelly beaten without cause, the slave departs in anger. |
以德报怨 化解误会 |
The farmer repaid the jeweler's wrongdoings with aid, and the misunderstanding was resolved. |
善有善报 佳运前来 |
Good fortune came to the farmer as a reward for his good deed. |
众生与我 密密相关 |
We are closely related to all other living beings. |
虽建道场 未真修行 |
Although Pandu established the monastery, he did not truly practice the teachings. |
王冠惹祸 因果难逃 |
The crown brought disaster upon Pandu, and he had difficulty escaping his retribution. |
强盗头子 索讨债务 |
The robber chieftain demanded payment of the debt. |
安然受报 得真快乐 |
Paying off his karmic debt peacefully, he attained genuine happiness. |
强盗反叛 头目垂死 |
The robbers rebelled and beat the chieftain to the point of dying. |
法师救命 劝忏罪业 |
The Dharma Master came to the rescue and advised the chieftain to repent of his offenses. |
自私心起 蜘蛛丝断 |
A thought of selfishness broke the spider's thread. |
真心忏悔 安详而归 |
After repenting sincerely, Mahaduta died in peace. |
强盗忏悔 死亦度生 |
With true repentance, the robber crossed others over even after his death. |
慈悲宽大 确保人生 |
Kindness and generosity assure a happy future. |